Taking New Paths
  • ISBN No. 978-1-941052-68-6 | $24.95
  • 294 Pages | Trade Paper

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Taking New Paths

Stories of Leaving Religion

by Doug Matheson

At some point in their lives most people reach a point where they question their religious beliefs. Many will find satisfactory answers within their faith and be content to remain there. But others will dig deeper as questions lead to answers that lead to more questions and yet more answers that may conflict with what they’ve been taught.

Some of these seekers may turn to other religions where they find a home. And yet there remain those who have found that the only path they are compelled to follow leads them away from everything they have known. For whatever reason and through whatever process, a person who loses their faith faces many difficulties including the loss of friends and family who cannot understand their choices. It can take great strength to turn from what they’ve known and forge ahead into a new life.

The stories herein are written by those who made the decision, despite the challenges, to follow a new path. These men and women are from many countries and their religious backgrounds cover multiple Christian denominations, Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, Orthodox Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and Sikhs.

The intent of this anthology is to assure those who struggle that they are not alone and to offer hope to the seekers while providing some understanding to others who may wonder how someone may choose to leave their previous beliefs behind and follow a new path.

…an essential read for anyone seeking to gain a balanced understanding of why people question religious belie.—Isaac Carmignani, former Jehovah’s Witness

…a roadmap to a new kind of religious redemption…freedom FROM religion.—Dr. Terri Daniel, Founder, The Conference on Death, Grief and Belief

…a must read for anyone experiencing a religious faith crisis, especially those who were once the most committed.—David Hubble, former Mormon

…It shows that learning to think for yourself…is not only courageous. It is beautiful.—Dan Barker, Founder and Co-Chair of the Freedom From Religion Foundation