Home Range
  • ISBN No. 978-1-932636-53-6 | $16.95
  • 132 Pages | Trade Paper

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Home Range

Essays on the Land

by Annette Chaudet

In Home Range the author takes a detour from her usual fiction and children’s categries and offers something more personal— a view northwestern Wyoming as seen through the eyes of the  artist she is as she  describes for us the smells, colors and textures of landscape.

The distances between towns in the region are considerable, the land itself vast and varied throughout the seasons of the year. Spending countless hours on the highways allows ample time for contemplation and observation and the author shares her thoughts in some rather unusual ways as she sights cattle with mudball anklets, cloud-formed ships sailing the endless sea of the sky, and the staring eyes on the trunks of aspens. She takes a close-up look at the industry of ants in the red dirt of the prairie, deer methodically pawing though snow in search of windfall crabapples and the intimidating presences of bridges when seen from below. The author’s views of her personal “Home Range,” including her color photographs, offer readers a different way of looking at their own surroundings, even as they marvel at her unique perspective.